My Favorite Thing

4 Oct

As I mentioned in a previous post, I work from a lot of the time.  Today was a work from home morning, and I got to thinking about some pros and cons of working from home.

There are some things that I don’t really enjoy:

  1. My “home office”.  Seriously, this is a hot mess.  Our apartment really doesn’t have enough space for us, and for the first year and a half that we lived here, our second bedroom was our catch-all room.  Now that I’m working from home, it is our catch-all room/office.  Which means I sit in a small room with an unused couch, two bikes, various bike pumps and equipment, and golf clubs.  I have some plans to fix this room up to make my office space more conducive to office activites – hopefully sooner rather than later!
  2. My lack of a fixed schedule.  I am much more of a routine person than I even realized.  It’s tough for me to get a good routine going when my schedule changes drastically every day.  I’ve been at this for almost 6 months now (!!)…hopefully I’ll find a groove soon!
And there are other things that I absolutely love:
  1. Not having a set schedule.  I know this is also one of my cons.  But it’s kinda nice to have some days when I’m up and at ’em first thing in the morning, followed by other days that I get to take the morning slow and easy.  I do really like my flexibility…sometimes 🙂
  2. Not having to pack a lunch.  It’s really nice to be able to decide on the fly what I want to eat for lunch, and not have to rely on frozen meals!
But my absolute, 100%, biggest, hugest, most favorite thing about working from home…
Is being able to walk in on cuteness like this.
I love love love that I get to enjoy moments like this during bathroom trips, snack trips, or random breaks throughout my day.  I’d never get this sorta cuteness in an office, and for that reason I am so thrilled that I get to work from home!
Seriously!  How could you not love this?!
When I got home from my afternoon appointment today, I was feeling pretty thankful to these two little ones for brightening up my Monday morning.  I took Izzie on her second long walk of the day, which I’m pretty sure she loved.
And while I was heating up my leftovers from last night, I got Beanie going with his favorite toy – the laser.
I’d love to take Beanie on daily walks too, but he’s not really a leash kinda guy.  I know this because Nick tried to leash him up once and he promptly dropped into army-crawl pose, refusing to move unless dragged.  He’s just more of an indoor hunter.
Of course Izzie had to butt into our game…such an annoying little sister move.
As expected, my leftover mole and apple pie were just delicious 🙂  Tomorrow’s gonna be a long day, so I’m off to take a hot bath and relax with my favorite real housewives crew – Beverly Hills!

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